ConEdison 2020 C&I Program Incentives Unleashed
Published on: February 2, 2020

Con Edison has millions set aside for 2020 Energy Efficiency Projects that went unspent last year.

Many businesses qualify for cash rebates and incentives to help offset project costs that reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  However millions of dollars are left on the table because Customers are not following the processes required by the programs.

For instance, many customers attempt to file for the incentives themselves directly. However many times they wind up calling us at the last minute to help secure the funding. In most cases, Customers call us after the project has started or is completed, which is too late!

Here is a summary of the entire Commercial and Industrial Program process.

Your project should be looked at by a qualified energy consultant before applying for any rebates or incentives.

Initial Survey

Our Engineers will survey your building and consequently wrap our heads around your project, your goals and your corporate culture.

Customers love collaborating with our Team to identify the best solution for whatever project they are working on whether it is Lighting, HVAC, Chillers or Boilers.

LCA Incentive Form

Our engineers will complete a survey of your building and scope out a project to develop. The Customer then completes and signs an LCA enrollment form.

The LCA Enrollment form is the Customers contract with LC Associates. LCA is now engaged to identify and file for any rebates or incentives that may be available for your project

ConEdison C&I Application

Firstly our Team will develop an energy savings projection. Secondly we will compile all of the documents necessary for ConEdison to process your incentive. Thirdly we will submit to you the Application for your signature.

ConEdison Pre-Inspection

Upon review of your application, ConEdison will send an inspector to verify the existing conditions of your project. Indeed the inspector may ask you questions regarding hours of operation, equipment set points and information on other potential projects in your building.

If the Inspector contacts you directly to schedule a site pre-inspection, refer them to one of our Project Managers to schedule it. Our Project Managers are subject matter experts and will be able to assist with the pre-inspection process. Project Managers can answer and explain any questions or inquiries that are needed.

Start Building!

After ConEdison inspects and review your project, they will send over an “Incentive Offer Letter” or IOL. Customers should review and sign it and return it to LC Associates for processing.

Now you can begin implementing your project. Our Engineers are with you every step of the way. We can assist you in project implementation including developing RFP’s, Equipment submittal review and contractor walk-through’s.

ConEdison Pre-Inspection
ConEdison Post-Inspection

Upon Project Completion – the Customer is required to sign a “Completion Certificate”. This tells ConEdison that the project is ready for their inspection.

ConEdison may contact you directly to schedule a post-inspection. Most importantly, be sure to have one of our Project Managers present to represent the building Owner and to assist with the post-inspection process.

Project Invoices

ConEdison will only pay up to 70% of qualified project costs. Customers need to provide invoices for their projects. This process can be easy and straight-forward for small turnkey projects. For larger projects that use the AIA model for example, or that have multiple vendors, the project accounting is more involved.

Our Team has project accounting professionals that will compile invoices and matching project scopes for you. A compiled project binder will be sent to ConEdison who will review and either approve or ask for more supporting information.

Incentive Payment

Once the paperwork is done and ConEdison accepts the project completion documents, then they will issue a notice of pending payment.

Naturally this is the best part of the process! Once we receive the incentive payment our financial team will disperse the incentive to the Customer in 3 to 5 business days.

Below are tables summarizing the Con Edison 2020 Incentive Rates.

Lighting Incentives

ConEd Incentives for Lighting
Our Green Apple Lighting USA Sister Company has been Lighting Up New York and Lowering Green House Gas Emissions

Project TypeConEd IncentiveHelpful Links
New Lighting Fixtures$30 to $250 per fixture
Retrofit Lighting Kits$15 to $40 per fixture
Interior Lighting Controls$35 to $50 per fixture
Tenant Fit-out ControlsUp to $0.16/kWh
Bi-Level Lighting Fixtures$50 to $192 per Fixture
Gut Renovations (LPD)$0.25/kWh
Air to Air Heat Pumps$200/ton

Heating Venting and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Incentives

New Energy Efficient AC Unit
ConEdison Early Life Incentive Program
Upgrade your DX Units to Modern and Energy Efficient VRF Systems!

Please note that qualifying upgrades may receive 4 to 8 times the amount of incentives shown below.

The lower rates shown below are the standard rates. However qualifying projects may meet the requirements for bonus incentives. Contact us directly to learn about the qualifying bonus incentives at 212.579.4236 or schedule an appointment directly by using this link: LCA Self Scheduler

Project TypeConEd Incentives RateHelpful Links
Air to Air Heat Pumps$200 to $800 per ton
Unitary and Split AC Systems$75 to $300 per ton
Water Sourced Heat Pump$160 to $640 per ton
Packaged Terminal AC’s and Heat Pumps$150 to $600 per ton
Single Packaged Vertical Heat Pumps$0.45/kWh to $1.8/kWh Saved
VRF Systems$0.45 to $1.8/kWh Saved

Gas Efficiency Incentives

ConEd Gas Efficiency Incentives
We have secured hundreds of thousands of dollars for boiler upgrades last year.

The incentives rates below may be quadrupled (4 times) for qualifying projects.

Give us a call at 212.579.4236 to see how we can fund your project. Likewise you can schedule an appointment with our self scheduler by clicking here: LCA Self Scheduler

Project TypeConEd IncentivesHelpful Links
Hi Efficiency Gas Furnaces$750 to $5,000 +
Hi Efficiency Gas Hot Water Boiler$750 to $15,000 +Case Study
Hi Efficiency Gas Steam Boiler$750 to $10,000 +
Steam Traps – Steam by Nat Gas Only$750/trap
Steam Trap Study50% up to $5,000
Insulation$10 to $15 per foot

Chiller Plant Incentives

ConEdison chiller plant efficiency programs
Qualifying Chiller Plant Upgrades may receive funding for an entire chiller!

The rates below can be quadrupled (4X) for qualifying projects.

Please give us a call at 212.579.4236 to see if your project qualifies. Likewise you can schedule an appointment using our online scheduler by clicking here: LCA Online Scheduler

Project TypeConEd IncentivesHelpful Links
Air Cooled Chiller$0.45 to $1.8/kWh Saved
Water Cooled Chiller $0.45 to $1.8/kWh Saved
Chiller Tune-Ups$10/ton

Incentives for Other Measures

Air Compressor Upgrades have great ROI’s

Please give us a call at 212.579.4236 to see if your project qualifies. Likewise you can schedule an appointment using our online scheduler by clicking here: LCA Online Scheduler

Project TypeConEd IncentivesHelpful Links
Air Compressors w/VFD’s$300/Hp
Window Film$1/SF
Cool Roof$50/kSFt

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