Natural Gas Incentives – ConEdison is offering Great Programs!
Published on: December 1, 2019

Without reservation, our company, LC Associates has been generating millions of dollars every year for our Customers to help offset energy efficiency project costs. One one hand buildings owners think that natural gas efficiency projects consist of upgrading the entire boiler. On the other hand, natural gas efficiency projects can consist of boiler controls, piping insulation and other custom projects. Because gas efficiency is an important part of climate change, ConEdison has been offering significant cash incentives and rebates for natural gas efficiency projects.

Here are a few examples of Natural Gas Efficiency Projects

Standard Efficiency Boilers

Boiler Controls. Many heating systems are designed for when it is less than 20 degF outside. Heating systems with standard controls operate inefficiently when outdoor temperatures are between 20 and 55 degF? Indeed one of our Customers saved over $54,000 annually by installing a $90,000 control system. We secured rebate of $63,000 to off set the project cost.

Condensing Boilers

Natural Gas Condensing Boilers. Condensing boilers are hot water boilers that surprisingly operate at an efficiency of up to 97%. Previously, traditional boilers are designed for 70% efficiency. However very old traditional boilers may have an efficiency of 55% or less. Because of our recommendations, one of our Customers saved over $75,000 annually by upgrading their boilers. Most notabely we secured over $230,000 for that boiler project (click here to read about it).

Pipe Insulation. Pipe insulation is one of the most overlooked energy conservation measures.

For example, a 1/2″ bare pipe without insulation loses 36 btu/ft/hour. To illustrate, 100 feet of uninsulated 1/2″ pipe could lose 86,000 btu’s per day or about .85 therms. 0.85 Therms costs about $1, hence this can cost about $150 per year in wasted natural gas. Installing 1″ of insulation on these pipes reduced wasted energy by about 80% as a result.

Ready to Start your Project?

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ConEdison Heating Incentives


Each year LC Associates generates millions of dollars for our Customer base to help offset energy efficiency project costs.


The first step is to know our Customer's building so that we can explore what options are available and generate recommendations that is right for them.


Please take a few moments to tell us about yourself and your building and we will get back to you with the next steps.




We love helping customer save energy and reduce operating costs!  If there is any information you would like us to know about your project, please type it into the space below.

If your building is located in New York City or the surrounding boroughs, may be required to place a letter grade on your building to showcase its energy efficiency, or lack thereof.

NYC Local Law 33

Increasing the efficiency of your heating system may help increase your grade. You can read about Local Law 33 on our blog by following this link.

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