NYSERDA Offers Incentives to Harness Heat Recovery for Energy Efficiency
Published on: November 28, 2023

Introduction into Heat Recovery

Greetings, energy enthusiasts! Today, we embark on an exciting journey into the realm of energy efficiency, specifically focusing on cutting-edge heat recovery technologies that are transforming the landscape of commercial office buildings. We’ll explore the innovative world of heat pumps, their ability to recover energy from waste and condenser water systems, and the substantial financial support available through programs from ConEdison and NYSERDA.

Unveiling the Power of Heat Pumps:

Traditionally, HVAC systems have been significant contributors to energy consumption in commercial buildings. Enter the era of heat pumps, where revolutionary technologies allow us to extract and repurpose heat from waste water and condenser water systems. These advanced systems not only reduce energy costs but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

NYSERDA: Paving the Way for Energy Efficiency

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) plays a pivotal role in promoting energy efficiency initiatives. Currently, they offer substantial financial incentives, with grants of up to $120,000 to offset the costs of energy efficiency consulting services. This support aims to identify and implement heat recovery projects in commercial facilities, encouraging businesses to embrace eco-friendly practices.

Clean Heat PUmps

Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters

Learn how we use heat pumps to displace steam in domestic hot water applications.

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ConEd Incentive Process

Learn how we secure cash funding for your projects

Cash Grants: A Game-Changer for Energy Efficiency

In an era where sustainability meets fiscal responsibility, securing cash grants for energy efficiency projects is a game-changer. Our company, Cutone & Company Consultants, takes pride in being at the forefront, having successfully secured over $200 million in cash grants. These funds have enabled us to implement cutting-edge technologies, including state-of-the-art heat recovery systems, for our esteemed clients.

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NYSERDA's Heat Recovery Program Page

You can read up on NYSERDA's new Heat Recovery Program where they offer up to $120,000 to offset engineering costs.

The Benefits of Heat Recovery in Commercial Spaces

  • Cost Savings: Recovering and repurposing heat means reduced reliance on traditional heating systems, translating to significant cost savings.
  • Environmental Impact: By harnessing waste heat, commercial buildings can dramatically lower their carbon footprint, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Heat recovery systems not only save energy but also contribute to a more comfortable indoor environment, creating a win-win scenario for both businesses and occupants.

Have LC Assocates secure Cash For your HVAC Upgrades

Our firm has secured over $200M in cash incentives for our Customers.  We take energy efficiency seriously and most of our Customers engage us on a contingency basis.  This incentivizes us to get you the maximum funding for your project.




As we navigate the evolving landscape of energy efficiency, the integration of heat recovery technologies stands as a beacon of progress. With the support of programs administrators NYSERDA and ConEdison, and the financial backing of cash grants, businesses can embark on a journey towards sustainability while reaping the tangible benefits of cost savings and enhanced comfort. Join us in embracing the future of commercial building management, where energy efficiency is not just a goal but a reality.

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