BE Credit – Learn how to reduce LL97 Fines
Published on: August 31, 2024

The new beneficial electrification credit (“BE Credit”) provides substantial rewards to building owners

A little electrification now goes a long way! And buildings that act soon stand to benefit the most. Cutone & Company Consultants are excited to share some exciting news that could significantly impact how New York City buildings approach Local Law 97 (LL97) compliance.

Local Law 97 has introduced a major boost for electrification in its new rules finalized in December 2023. The new beneficial electrification credit (“BE Credit”) provides substantial rewards to building owners who replace fossil fuel systems with highly efficient electric heating, cooling, and hot water equipment.

The LL97 BE Credit is a GAME CHANGER

This new game-changing BE Credit gives building owners a golden opportunity to align their buildings with NYC’s climate goals while saving on compliance costs. Let’s explore what this means and how Cutone & Company Consultants can help you navigate these updates.
LC Associates A row of air conditioning units, each with a cartoonish face, is aligned outside a building. The units have various expressions and appear to be interacting with each other. The logo "LC associates" and "BE Credit" are displayed in the bottom left corner. Con Edison Cash Incentives

Heat Pumps: A Key to Compliance

Heat pumps are the big winner in these new rules, offering the largest city-provided incentive for electrification projects that comply with LL97. Here’s why this matters:

  • Big Heat Pump Bonus

    The BE Credit is designed to make electrification more cost-effective, offering double credits for systems installed before 2027.

  • Early Movers Benefit More

    The sooner a building adopts electrification, the bigger the savings. Equipment installed before 2027 gets double the credit, and the BE Credit allows you to bank savings for future compliance periods.

  • Feasible Long-Term Savings

    Electrifying now can help many buildings meet compliance through 2035 by focusing on systems like hot water, which are easier to transition.

How does the BE Credit Work?

The BE Credit is structured with two main components:

LC Associates A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a gray mechanics uniform, is working on an HVAC unit with a pair of pliers in her right hand. She has a tool belt around her waist filled with various tools. A logo on the unit reads "LC Associates," known for their BE Credit certified services. Con Edison Cash Incentives

Negative Coefficient: The more energy used by eligible heat pump equipment, the larger the credit. Installations before 2027 earn double.

LC Associates A skyscraper with a dollar sign in the center, symbolizing financial growth. Background features a vibrant cityscape with arrows pointing upwards, indicating rising trends. The BE Credit logo is visible in the bottom-left corner. The sky is bright and dynamic. Con Edison Cash Incentives

Electricity-Use Deduction: The energy used by heat pumps is deducted from the building’s total electricity use for LL97 emissions, further reducing emissions penalties.

For example, a 100,000 sqft multifamily building could face up to $55,000 in penalties for exceeding LL97 emissions in 2030. With just 17% of its fossil fuel use replaced with heat pumps, that building could reach compliance and slash penalties down to just $6,000 per year—all thanks to the BE Credit.

Why Act Now?

LC Associates Two people, a woman and a man, dressed as HVAC technicians stand confidently beside large outdoor air conditioning units on a rooftop. Both are wearing utility belts with various tools and are surrounded by tall city buildings in the background, showcasing their BE Credit expertise. Con Edison Cash Incentives

Time is critical. Cutone & Company Consultants can help you take advantage of these significant incentives before the window closes. The longer you wait, the fewer credits you’ll be able to apply to future compliance periods. We’ll work with you to ensure your building not only meets LL97 requirements but also optimizes savings.

ConEdison is now cancelling their lighting incentive! – Read about it here.

Ready to make your building more efficient and compliant? Contact Cutone & Company Consultants today and explore how the BE Credit can transform your building’s energy future!

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