NYC Small Businesses – You may qualify for 50% reimbursement for HVAC Upgrades Costs.
Published on: July 23, 2023

Introduction for Small Businesses

New York City’s bustling small businesses form the vibrant backbone of the local economy. However, many of these businesses face significant challenges in upgrading their infrastructure to meet modern energy efficiency standards. Thankfully, ConEdison’s Small and Medium Business (SMB) Program offers a cash lifeline. ConEdison provides financial incentives for businesses to improve their Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.

ConEdison SMB Program: A Pathway to Energy Efficiency

The ConEdison SMB Program promotes energy conservation and sustainability across New York City. The program targets small businesses, including restaurants and retail stores. The small business program offers up to 50% of the costs associated with upgrading HVAC systems. By encouraging the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, ConEdison aims to reduce the carbon footprint of businesses while helping them save on operational costs.

Eligibility Criteria for NYC Small Businesses

In order to participate in the ConEdison SMB Program, businesses must meet certain criteria:

  1. Be a commercial customer of ConEdison.
  2. Operate within specific industries, such as restaurants and retail stores.
  3. Use older, less efficient HVAC systems that are in need of an upgrade.

Eligible businesses can avail themselves of substantial financial incentives to cover a significant portion of the costs involved in upgrading their HVAC systems.

LC Associates: Championing Small Businesses through ConEdison’s Incentive Programs

LC Associates, New York City’s premiere energy consultant, has been instrumental in bridging the gap between ConEdison’s incentives and local businesses’ needs. They specialize in helping businesses navigate the application process and secure the maximum benefits offered by the ConEdison SMB Program.


Case Study: A Win-Win Situation for a Local Small Business Restaurant

Mochi Dolci and ConEdison SMB Program

One shining example of LC Associates’ success is their collaboration with a local restaurant, “Mochi Dolci,” where they worked diligently to secure over $25,000 in incentives for the establishment’s HVAC upgrade. Mochi dolci located in the heart of NYC’s Upper West Side at 222 West 79 Street in Manhattan. Mochi Dolci was faced with an antiquated fossile fuel system, air conditioning system, and rising energy costs.

Step 1: Assessment and Eligibility Check

LC Associates conducted a thorough energy assessment of Mochi Dolci to determine its eligibility for the ConEdison SMB Program. LC Associates found the HVAC system outdated and consuming excessive energy; thus, making them an ideal candidate for the program.

Step 2: Customized HVAC Upgrade Plan

LC Associates collaborated with Mochi Dolci’s management to devise a tailored HVAC upgrade plan. The plan aligned with the restaurant’s specific needs and budget. The proposed solution, furthermore, included installing a clean heat air conditioning system. The proposed clean heat system reduced energy consumption and displaced fossile fuel combusion. With the new system, patrons can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment while also benefiting from a reduced carbon footprint.

Small Business Cash Incentives

Step 3: Application and Approval

Leveraging their expertise, LC Associates skillfully handled the application process, ensuring that all necessary documents were submitted accurately and promptly. Additionally, thanks to their expertise, Mochi Dolci’s application was approved swiftly by ConEdison.”

Step 4: Incentive and Savings

With LC Associates’ help, Mochi Dolci received over $25,000 in financial incentives from ConEdison. Furthermore, the cash incentives amount covered approximately 50% of the total HVAC upgrade costs. These funds provided the restaurant with much-needed relief from the financial burden of the project. Furthermore, the new energy-efficient HVAC system delivers substantial long-term energy savings, benefiting both the environment and the restaurant’s bottom line.

small business cash incentives


Indeed, the ConEdison SMB Program is a game-changer for small businesses in New York City. The small business program offers financial support to enhance energy efficiency through HVAC upgrades. LC Associates’ expertise and dedication in assisting local businesses. Since their inception, LC Associates has secured over $150M for their Customers. By partnering with ConEdison and firms like LC Associates, small businesses can embrace sustainability, reduce operating costs, and contribute to a greener and more prosperous future for New York City.

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